DIY Hair Care. My TOP Recipes for Hair Conditioners, Masks and Rinses

I’m sure you all know that natural hair care brings many benefits. It is wallet-friendly, easy to perform, and free from damaging substances. You can make moisturizing hair masks or scalp treatment all by yourself in a simple way. I always use products I have at home. Nourished, shiny hair – many of us dream of it, right? Well, this dream can come true.

The spices and herbs I use for cooking also can be used on hair. Among the amazing ingredients for hair there’s basil and rosemary. I often use these for DIY hair treatments. Lavender is a great hair conditioner while flax seeds work wonders repairing thin, damaged hair. You’ve run out of your hair mask but have some free time? Try DIY recipes for hair products that really work.

DIY Hair Treatments Straight From the Kitchen


Everybody knows the basil herb but do you know it is also a natural hair-enhancing product? The plant is rich in precious magnesium which strengthens hair bulbs, prevents hair breakage, and speeds up hair growth. A basil-based hair mask is great for curly, dry or brittle hair.

Smash and mix a few basil leaves and a few teaspoons of rolled oats. Pour some boiling water over the mixture, smash it with a fork, and put it away for 10 minutes, covering it up. When the blend cools down, you can apply it on the scalp, massaging it gently. Rinse it off after 20 minutes, using lukewarm water.

P.S. Fresh basil delivers the best results.


Flaxseeds are packed with beneficial fatty acids and the youth vitamin, that is vitamin E which delivers hair shine, smoothness and amazing softness. The seeds also strengthen even extremely weak strands. I noticed my whole body got much better since I started drinking flaxseeds. However, they are good for external use too.

Pour boiling water over two spoons of flaxseeds and mix for around five minutes. Let the blend cool off, and then drain it. Apply the resulting gel on the hair roots and put on a shower cap. Wash the mask off after 20 minutes. You will love your new hair look.


Not only does it have an amazing aroma but also brings health benefits. It has antiseptic and antibacterial properties so it will remedy thinning hair, dandruff and scalp conditions. Lavender oil is widely available, and you can use it as a hair conditioner for any hair type.

If you have enough time, you can buy dried lavender flowers and prepare a hair rinse. Pour boiling water over the flowers and use the cool mixture for rinsing the hair.


Here’s another herb we can use on hair. Rosemary is rich in vitamin A and flavonoids which strengthen the hair, leaving it shiny and nourished. A perfect remedy for tired colored-treated or weathered hair.

Make a strong rosemary infusion in a coffee pot, and use it for rinsing your hair once it cools off.

What home hair treatments do you use? Any favorite herbs and spices that you use on your hair?

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